Villarreal talked a little about where UNT has been since he arrived and helped the school rapidly build its profile athletically.
Then he stated what many UNT officials and coaches reiterated during a day of celebration for the school.
"We don't have to talk about where we need to go because we are where we need to be," Villarreal said.
UNT had been something of an outlier in the Sun Belt Conference since it joined the league in 2000 as the only Texas school.
UNT won't be alone in the Lone Star state any longer — at least not when it comes to conference rivals.
Rice and UTEP are already in C-USA, while UT-San Antonio was in the five-team addition announced Friday that included UNT, Louisiana Tech, Florida International and Charlotte.
UNT will join C-USA on July 1, 2013, when the league's new lineup takes effect.
C-USA Commissioner Britton Banowsky attended UNT's press conference and said that the league has yet to determine what form its proposed merger with the Mountain West will take. How the league's divisions will be set up has also yet to be determined.
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