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Eagle Mans Top 12 Worst D1 logos

1. Western Michigan - they took the NFLs worst logo/uniform (Denver) and brought to D1 college in brown.

2. Western Kentucky - Hand & Towel...really!?! the only thing missing is the lotion bottle.

3. Washington State - 1 of the 2 P5 logos that made the list...the bigger schools have a much better handle on what looks good. WSU put their initials into a "stylized" cougar head. End Result = a P5 designed mess.

4. New Mexico State - Sun Belts enchanted team with way to much going on...hard to read verbiage and bad design.

5. South Alabama - this logo on their white helmet gets lost...plus looks like the Alien baby popping out of a stomach.

6. East Carolina - good football team...bad logo. There are good ways to have a little pirate thing going and bad ways...they chose poorly and went with the bad High School design.

7. Troy - again too much going on...hard to read and see.

also they are stuck with maroon...worst color in sports.

8. Southern Miss - hey...1982 called...it wants its VHS tapes, walk-man and logo back. Their name spelled out eighties style stinks. The only thing that could make this helmet worse is if they chose a 80s white face-mask.

9.UAB - poor UAB...their team is gone and that makes Eagle Man sad...but their logo looked like it belonged in the NFL Europe league. Eagle Man doesn't like dragons in his books, movies, games or football helmets.

10. New Mexico - poorly designed wolf/word logo. Too much going on. Looks like it belongs on the Albuquerque Arena League team helmet.

11. Nevada - yes..good team...but they got way off track designing their crazy wolf head. The stretched out head with internal lightning strikes stink. Extra Penalty for double horn stripes on their pants.

12. Kansas State - Stylized wild cat head...again not Eagle Mans favorite (see #3 and honorable mention Texas State). They do get bonus points for overall good uniform looks...with no horn stripes, black shoes & socks.

to sum it all up...the G5 schools need help and the P5 schools "get it".

"part of being bigger is looking bigger & better"

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